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Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4.

Do you spend enough time in bed and still wake up feeling very tired or sleepy during the day.
The most common sleep disorders are insomnia, sleep apnea (sleep disorder breathing), restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy. Although sleep disorders can affect your health, safety and well-being, they can be treated.

Talk to your doctor if you have any of these signs of a sleep disorder:
  • You have been taking more than 30 minutes each night to sleep.
  • You have wake up several times each night, then have trouble falling to sleep, or you wake up too early in the morning.
  • You often feel sleepy during the day, you often take naps, or you fall asleep at inappropriate times during the day.
  • you snore loudly, do choking sounds, or stop breathing for short periods.
  • You have creeping, tingling or crawling feelings in the legs or arms
  • Your bed partner notices that the legs or arms jerk often during sleep.
  • You feel as if you can not move when you first wake up.
  • Keep in mind that children can have some of these signs even if they have a sleep disorder, but they often do not show signs of excessive daytime sleepiness. On the contrary, they seem to have difficulty concentrating or making them better in school.

What is snoring?
It is a problem of the anatomy of soft tissue at the back of the throat and cause the emission of sound from the air during sleep.
What causes snoring?
Snoring occurs when the soft palate tissue at the back of the throat relaxes too much at the entrance to the gorge. As air tries to pass through the soft palate vibrates and produces the snoring sound.
The problem May worse with age, but one of the main causes is the size and shape of the body. People with short wide necks are most prone to snoring because the muscles around their windpipe can not support the fat around him when the person is asleep. In general, anyone with a collar size of 16.5 inches or more is likely to snore.
Other Causes:
  • Poor muscle in the tongue and throat. Muscles that are too relaxed contribute to snoring.
  • Large throat tissue. Children with large tonsils often snore.
  • Nasal passage blockage. People with blocked or clogged nose often snore.
Snoring can be treated?
  • In 99% of cases, snoring is treatable. The weight is usually the main cause of snoring so shedding excess fat around the neck will stop extra pressure on the airways. Other treatments depend on whether a diagnostic examination by a doctor will help. Also consider these self-help remedies:
  • Avoid alcohol and sedatives before bedtime. These cause the muscles to relax and cause snoring.
  • Avoid heavy meals at least four hours before bedtime.
  • Sleeping on the side rather than your back. Try sewing a tennis ball in the back of your Pajama top. This will prevent you from sleeping on your back!
  • Exercise. This will improve muscle strength and promote weight loss.

Sleep apnea
What is sleep apnea?
It is a lack of breath during sleep.
What are the causes of sleep apnea?
Apnea is caused by the same muscles that cause snoring. It occurs when the muscles of the soft palate at the base of the tongue and the uvula (the small piece of flesh tissue suspended back of the throat) relax, partially blocking the opening of the air. However, sleep apnea is more dangerous than snoring in that it changes the normal breathing patterns.
depleting the blood and brain of vital oxygen supplies. Then the brain suddenly sends an emergency signal, telling the person to wake up and take a big gulp of air. The frequent interruptions of deep sleep leads to excessive daytime fatigue and sleepiness.
Sleep apnea can be treated?
Sleep apnea is associated with potentially fatal stroke, heart attacks and high blood pressure and therefore requires medical care.
A sleep test called polysomnography is usually done to diagnose sleep apnea. Treatment varies depending on the severity of symptoms. Mild cases can be treated effectively by changes in behavior - losing weight, reducing alcohol or sleeping on the side, for example.
The most serious May be treated with a CPAP machine, so named because they maintain a constant positive air pressure to conduct wind to help users breathe easy at night. The benefits are better sleep and reduce the risk of heart attacks during the night.

What is insomnia?
A long and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate, uninterrupted sleep. Symptoms may include trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up too early in the morning, feeling unrefreshed. The consequences are unpleasant, leaving sufferers feeling exhausted, irritable and unable to concentrate on simple tasks.
What causes insomnia?
  • People aged over sixty
  • Women
  • Those with a history of depression
  • Stress is an important contribution.
  • Traumatic events such as acute illness, injury or surgery, the loss of a loved one, exams, or problems at work can all disrupt sleep. In such cases, the returns almost normal sleep when the individual recovers from the case or become acclimated to the new situation.
  • Jet lag can also cause insomnia. Traveling through time zones east is more difficult to adjust to travel west, sometimes earlier. Usually a day of adjustment is all that is needed to overcome insomnia.
  • Environmental or lifestyle factors may also come into play - too much light in the bedroom or caffeine in the body.
Insomnia can be treated?
The treatment is related to the case, if the cause can be determined. Patients are evaluated with the help of a medical history and sleep (sleep diary). It can be treated through cognitive behavioral therapy involving relaxation and reconditioning.

One of the best ways to prevent insomnia is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Do not go to bed feeling stressed and worried. If you are worried about falling asleep, will be more difficult to fall asleep. Try not to eat too close to avoid going to sleep and Caffeinated beverages and alcohol.
Just remember, the less you worry, the more likely you achieve the perfect sleep.
Some useful complementary medicine remedies for insomnia.

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
What is RLS?
It is a tingling, itching sensation and unexplained aches and pains in the legs.
Sleep is disturbed because people often have a strong urge to move the legs to relieve the discomfort by stretching, rubbing their legs or getting up and pacing around.
What causes RLS?
It may be inherited, People with RLS. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can worsen the symptoms. Other cases of RLS are associated with iron deficiency or nerve damage in the legs.
RLS can be treated?
In mild cases, it may be only a matter of cutting caffeine and alcohol, which aggravate the symptoms. Having a warm bath, massage the legs or using heat or cold pack will also help to alleviate the symptoms.
For more serious cases, there are a number of drug treatments. Consult your doctor for further advice

Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4.
