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A new study found that mouse to mouse or the kiss of life is not that effective in emergency resuscitation, and found that Concentrating chest compressions is giving much better results increasing the chances of survival by more than 22%.

Still the training to give proper mouse to mouse or chest compressions is the most important part of the process.

The goal is to get chest compressions started immediately after a cardiac-arrest victim collapses and to keep the compressions going pushing the breastbone down about 2 inches (one third to one half the depth of the chest for children), until trained rescuers arrive.

Deep compressions will allow the blood to circulate to the brain and other vital organs will still has oxygen that was picked up when it last passed through the lungs before the heart stopped. The body needs chest compressions to keep this blood moving.

The UK Resuscitation Council is due to produce new CPR guidelines next week.

Claire O'Neill, community resuscitation program lead at the BHF said:
"We also know that uninterrupted chest compressions are very important for increasing the chance of survival. So being directed to focus solely on chest compressions could make people more willing to attempt resuscitation, which could ultimately save lives."